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Tips for Avoiding Common Personal Finance Mistakes

by Micah

There are various instances in the life of everybody when they face several finance-related issues.  Making mistakes during transactions or while managing budgets creates issues while handling finances in an individual’s life. During a financial mistake, you can face loss or earn decreased returns which gets heavily on the pocket. There are several financial mistakes of a person be it spending, investment, earning and many more. Whether you are applying for a credit card or an instant personal loan, you need to analyze your weak points while making any sort of translation to avoid financial mistakes in order to handle situations further. The strategies of personal finance for the person varies from one individual to another. 

In this blog, you will learn some common financial mistakes. Read all steps carefully:

Not Maintaining a Fine Balance Between Current Investment and The Future Goals

Some people are at the extreme end of their particular investment or spending. For their enjoyment, they sometimes spend most of their income or a major part of the same. Such things, resulting a great loss to the person. In this case, nothing is left behind in savings account. The financial security is broken here and the person can’t manage its future goals and the present as well. 

Solution: In order to tackle these issues, the individual should know what is good or what is not. He/she needs to manage his/her finances and avoid spending much on unnecessary things like planning frequent foreign trips, spending lots of money on food or fashion etc. 

Some people try to spend most of their income towards their future financial goals once they meet all the essential spending. In the end, they are forced to live a frugal life without any big amount in hand. 

Paying Minimum Amount Due On Your Credit Card

Credit cards are used as a robust financial assistance to tackle various types of emergency issues. Credit cards provide various types of benefits and convenience to the cardholder including discounts, reward points and offers. Some individuals use their strategy of using the minimum amount due and carry forward the rest of the outstanding amount. Banks charge about 3 to 3.5 percent on the outstanding amount on the card and thus it may get heavier and heavier for the card owner at the end. In this way, you will get into huge debt and if you don’t the debt on your credit card, you can’t afford it at the last stage. 

Solution: In order to avoid such instances: you should use the maximum you need from your credit card and timely payment of debts is very necessary which help you maintain a financial balance witty Credit score. For more assistance, you can easily contact your lender or the financial agency. 

Not Focusing on Building a Good Credit Score or Ignoring the Same

A credit score or CIBIL is one of the most important things for taking any kind of loan be it an instant personal loan or a credit card in your name. It helps the banks and the lenders to check your creditworthiness, as this parameter will help them to analyze your income and the debt repayment capability. Credit score decides whether your application will get approved or rejected from the bank’s end. With good and higher credit scores, most of the banks provide several benefits including low interest rates and other discounts on the total loan amount. 

Some people ignore the importance of having a good credit score and don’t pay proper attention to it, resulting it paying them a huge amount in the form of financial crisis. They won’t be eligible for any type of loan at a later stage if they haven’t followed precautionary measures at the initial stage. 

Solution: in order to be eligible for various types of loans and credit cards, you need to focus on the credit score first as it’s a mandatory requirement by any bank or lender. Its three-digit number helps you and your lender to analyze your income, and check creditworthiness by overviewing the past credit or transaction history. Make a healthy relationship with your bank which will also help to manage situations very easily if you are stuck in any form of financial crisis

Not Prepared for Financial Contingencies

Some credit card and loan borrowers aren’t aware of future emergencies due to financial crises. They don’t work on maintaining a balance between financial situations, outstanding money, savings and between their leisurely life. Sometimes, spending lots of money at the initial stage may end them in financial emergencies. They are not prepared for the financial crisis. In these uncertain times, medical emergencies or money crunches may appear at any time and it should be noted that everyone has enough funds to deal with it. 

Solution: Savings, managing funds in a young life and focusing on financial emergencies of the future, it becomes very imperative to save money for later use. It helps the person deal with several types of financial issues and contingencies. 


There are several instances where a loan borrower or credit card holder needs to take care in order to tackle financial mistakes. Some of the top solutions are saving income, paying debts on time, managing enough funds to deal with financial emergencies etc.

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